Am început să organizez tururi foto în România acum câțiva ani. Am dorit ca aceste experiențe să fie foarte personale, de aceea grupurile au fost întotdeauna mici. Majoritatea tururilor s-au desfășurat, desigur, în jurul Brașovului, orașul în care locuiesc, în zonele pe care le cunosc bine. Am vizitat locuri și oameni dragi mie, alături de participanți. Seara, după apus, petreceam timp de calitate acasă, savurând un pahar de vin, luând cina gătită împreună cu soția mea.
Dacă sunteți interesați să vizitați România, să petrecem timp împreună și să vizităm locurile care îmi sunt foarte dragi, vă rog să îmi lăsați un mesaj.
Dacă sunteți curioși să aflați mai multe despre povestea mea, puteți citi acest interviu pe Romanian Friend.
I participated in a private customized Photography Tour arranged and led by Vlad in the company of his wife. Based on my wishes he organized visits to locals and artisans for us to meet and photograph. The visits were combined with hiking tours with amazing landscape sceneries. It was a true pleasure to spend these days together with Vlad and his wife.
Food and accommodation was included in this Photography Tour. His wife is a star in the kitchen and all meals she prepared were very tasty and delicious. Staying in their home during the entire tour also gave me the opportunity for an authentic travel experience and cultural exchange. I arrived as a guest and left as a friend.
I can truly recommend a tour with Vlad as for me it gave me an opportunity to visit people and places I wouldn’t have been able to alone and also make new friends and leave with great memories.
Solli Kanani – July 2016”
I was fortunate enough to travel a little with Vlad through Transylvania and Maramures. I had a wonderful time. Vlad helped me gain a deeper insight into his world and I’ll always be thankful for that.”
I spent two weeks together with my wife and my little daughter. We felt wonderful visiting many places in Brasov and Maramures counties.
I gathered a lot of information and ideas from Vlad’s experience. He is a gifted and intelligent photographer having a special and unique vision.
Thank you both my good friend and Georgiana, your wife. She cooked our meals, the one with potatoes being my favourite one. :)”
I was definitely right to follow my instinct and I ended up having one of my best travel experience ever. Not only Romania is a really beautiful country and its people are extremely nice, but Vlad made the whole trip unforgettable. Vlad’s passion for his country and its people is simply contagious. I have rarely met somebody so genuinely in love and attached to the land he lives in.
When traveling with Vlad, you will discover places you would never dream of seeing alone or with any organized tours. The days are long and you will hike for hours but at every turn of the road you are rewarded with incredible encounters of unique people and breathtaking scenery. I was able for a little less than a week to discover and briefly live the last hours of this vanishing way of Transylvania life, that is very hard but at the same time so beautiful and simple.
Vlad was also able to arrange for my local accommodation in Brasov and for my airport transfer which was a very nice touch. You are welcome as a friend, if not like a family member. Georgiana his lovely wife was packing us delicious mushroom schnitzels for lunch and was sometime coming on our hikes with us.
As a photographer I was able to capture great images that I would not have been able to get without Vlad, who needless to say is also a very talented photographer himself in addition of being a great guide.”
Vlad is not only a great photographer, he is very kind and easy to talk to. Thank you so much for sharing this piece of paradise with us.
Whether you are a photographer or not, it is a wonderful experience to walk through the village, enjoy the beautiful serene scenery and see Romania through Vlad’s love of his country.
Ada and Russ Allen”
I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited a number of countries including now Romania, what an amazing place, in parts stuck in time with the most humble people, I really mean that!
Vlad gave me an experience of humility, humanity and worth along with now a friendship.
My trip was flawless from arriving in Bucharest to my hotel and for the next 4 days.
Having a chaperone, translator and even a driver for that period was a blessing.
It was clear that Vlad has a special relationship with his fellow countryman and is generous and patient with everybody we met!
I was invited into Vlad’s home and met his lovely wife Georgina who after a day’s work found time to me us a meal of which was Wonderfull.
I am very much looking forward to my return trip this autumn and in seeing little Maria for the first time.
I would highly recommend a visit to Romania under the guidance of Vlad”
As a photographer I decided to come again to document Maramures, meet the people and learn about their way of life.
I found Vlad on the web, impressed with his stories and pictures and without hesitation I decided to go on a journey with him.
Me and two friends (Ester and Ruti) ordered a private tour of 6 days in Maramures. It was a great week. Vlad is charming guide, took us between the villages and we were invited into the people homes allowed us to shoot them.
Vlad’s professionally combined with his ability to approach people, results extraordinary pictures.
I am sure that I will visit again Romania with Vlad. I truly recommend a photography workshop/ tour with him.”
What an experience! Vlad managed to open a new world to me and I’ve enjoyed every minute of our trip. The landscape was breathtaking and the people very unique and special.
Vlad’s passion for his fellow countrymen was contagious. He was welcomed at every house we’ve stopped and asked to come in. In a relaxed atmosphere the people allowed me to take portraits of them without showing the slightest shyness.
I think I’ve almost seen the last minutes of a dying culture.
Vlad is not only a professional photographer who helped me to improve my photography skills, but even more a great guide. Multumesc!
Ich habe 2 Halbtagesausflüge zusammen mit Vlad in den abgelegenen Hügeln einer Streusiedlung 45 Minuten vom Stadtzentrum entfernt gemacht.
Was für ein Erlebnis! Vlad hat es geschafft, mir eine neue Welt zu eröffnen und ich habe jede Minute unserer Reise genossen. Die Landschaft war atemberaubend und die Menschen sehr einzigartig und besonders.
Vlad’s Leidenschaft für seine Landsleute war ansteckend. Er wurde in jedem Haus, in dem wir angehalten haben, willkommen geheißen und gebeten, hereinzukommen. In einer entspannten Atmosphäre erlaubten mir die Leute, Portraits von ihnen zu machen, ohne auch nur die geringste Schüchternheit zu zeigen.
Ich glaube fast die letzten Minuten einer aussterbenden Kultur gesehen zu haben.
Vlad ist nicht nur ein professioneller Fotograf, der mir geholfen hat, meine fotografischen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, sondern noch mehr ein großartiger Reiseführer. Multumesc!”
I spent four days among fairytale fairytale hills and breathtaking woods, but I was particularly impressed by the locals who were so warm and welcoming, and I managed to understand their lifestyle through the stories they told me!
It was a unique experience that I definitely want to repeat in the future, Vlad was a guide but also a friend, an extraordinary person, advice to anyone who wants to see and experience the real Romania to choose this tour. :)”
It was with a tiny bit of intrepedation that I made the decision to tackle such a trip into an unfamiliar country at age 76. I only knew two Romanians before and both were wonderfully warm, welcoming people. I researched a lot and I kept reading about how the Romanians are so welcoming. The minute I talked with Vlad on the phone I knew I had made the right decision. He recommended a lovely, convenient AirBnb within minutes walking distance to the square in the old city. It was perfect! He explained what to expect as we visited the rural areas. When I expressefd my concerns about not being a young 40 year old anymore and having some physical limitations, Vlad came up with a plan that would work for us.
We can’t begin to describe the beauty of this country. It is real. We avoided the touristy areas and got into the back country meeting men and women who have seen so much in their lifetimes. Stories about the WWII era and stories about living under the Ceausescu regime. We found it fascinating how some of the elders seemed relatively unaffected by living under communist rule while others suffered losses of their mills and distilleries simply for inability to give the government part of what they produced. Being able to talk with these phenomenal people about what they have lived through was like reliving the history I had read about. How these elderly people work their fields in their 70s and 80s is mind boggling. Many of them live off what they raise without the availability of electricity nor clean safe running water. They are at peace with life. A small number had little solar panels and batteries to get some electricily. A fortunate few had electricity. Yet all we met heated their houses with wood in cast iron wood stoves. I am leaving behind a world that is vanishing. There is good that comes with modern amenities but somehow in moving into the modern world it strikes me what gets left behind. While I wish only good health to these amazing people, I can only hope that the beauty of their lives will live on trhough their children and grandchildren. The Romanian people have a lot to teach the modern world. Thank you, Vlad, for choosing to make a life dedicated to the souls of your beautiful country. Thank you for letting us into your world. Romania is spectacular in scenic beauty but even more so within its people.”
J’ai découvert les photos de Vlad sur son compte instagram et j’ai été émue par ses images. Il montrait la vie dans ses gestes simples, la ruralité et des portraits très touchants de personnes âgées. J’ai immédiatement voulu connaître cette Roumanie là… J’ai planifié avec lui un tour photo de 10 jours (Région de Brasov et Maramures) dans le but de capter des moments intimistes différents des clichés touristiques et d’une certaine façon j’ai réussi ! Mais ne vous y trompez pas c’est beaucoup grâce à Vlad qui nous introduit chez des gens qu’il connait et avec qui il poursuit une conversation. Ces gens vivent en général dans des villages très reculés… En novembre, il m’a emmené tôt le matin dans des endroits reculés pour photographier des paysages encores gelés avec une belle lumière rosée ou de somptueuses vues panoramiques vallonnées riches en forêts … Je garderai un souvenir extraordinaire de ce voyage avec des moments partagés de rires c’est important aussi ! J’espère que vous vivrez cette expérience aussi…”
Et Vlad est un compagnon et guide parfait autant par ses qualités humaines que l’organisation, et ce n’est pas facile car la météo est capricieuse…
Et last but not least : pas de Covid dans le Maramures, c’est „THE place to be” en ce moment! Profitez-en quel que soit votre âge (de 7 à 77 ans comme Tintin) votre condition physique (pas de marche trop eprouvante) et votre niveau photo. Pour ma part j’y retournerai volontiers…”
We walked, and we drove between locations finding Vlad’s old friends and making new ones. The days were planned and then evolved through chance encounters, fortuitous events, and unexpected offers. Our accommodations were clean and comfortable. Every meal was exceptional, providing us with an appreciation of Romanian cuisine.
We ended our trip with many lovely photographs and memories of the Romanian people. Being invited into peoples’ homes and listening to their stories while photographing made this trip unique. Vlad’s love for his country and his kindness, empathy, and compassion toward the people of Romania created an exceptional and incomparable experience.
Bryan Watt
Humanitarian Photographer”
Um es kurz zu sagen, meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen. Vlad organisierte eine wunderschöne Unterkunft für uns und unternahmen täglich Excursionen in die umliegenden Dörfer. Dort lernten wir wunderbare Menschen kennen, bekamen Einblick in ihre bäuerliche Routine und bekamen den ein oder anderen Horinka angeboten. Da ich des Rumänischen nicht mächtig bin, fungierte Vlad mit seiner zugewandten Art als Türöffner. Wir lauschten gebannt den Geschichten aus dem Leben der meist alten Leute und sehr oft erlaubten sie uns sie mit unserer Kamera zu portraitieren.
Einerseits war ich glücklich solche Momente erleben zu dürfen, andererseits auch wieder traurig, weil ich glaube sozusagen die letzten Tage einer sterbenden Kultur gesehen zu haben.
After having made several short photo trips to the hills around Brasov together with photographer Vlad Dumitrescu, I decided to go on a longer tour with him to the remote villages of Maramures. Why Maramures? Apart from Vlad’s enthusiastic descriptions of hospitable people, extraordinary landscapes and original cultures, I was inspired by a book called „Along the enchanted way” from William Blacker.
To cut a long story short, my expectations were exceeded. Vlad organised wonderful accommodation for us and we went on daily excursions to the surrounding villages. There we met wonderful people, got an insight into their farming routine and were offered a Horinka or two. Since I don’t speak Romanian, Vlad acted as a door opener with his approachable manner. We listened spellbound to the stories from the lives of the mostly old people and very often they allowed us to take portraits of them with our cameras.
On the one hand, I was happy to be able to experience such moments, but on the other hand, I was sad because I think I have seen the last days of a dying culture.”
Grazie Vlad, grazie Romania.”
După întâlnirea cu doamna Ana și domnul Andrei, care ne-au deschis larg poarta și ne-au primit în gospodăria lor, m-am convins tot mai mult că fericirea stă în lucruri mici. Abia aștept să revin pe meleaguri. Mulțumesc, Vlad!”
For over two decades as a photographer I have led photo trips around the world. This past month after passing my trips on to my assistant I was getting ready to go on my first trip led by another photographer – Romania here I come – and Vlad Dumitrescu was going to be leading the trip. I was not sure exactly what to expect- visiting people that lived high in the Carpathian mountains- and documenting their lives. The images I saw of Vlad’s were impressive – a master at using available light. But still not sure what to expect. Getting right to the point the trip was a magical journey to a vanishing breed of amazing folks that welcomed us with open arms – This was all because of the time and effort that Vlad has taken over the past decade visiting mostly people between the ages of 80-105 in Romania – How he found all these people don’t ask. But each day we would trek up mountain roads – hike up steep hill to reach their mountain retreats. This trip is not for everyone. First you need to have to be comfortable shooting under various conditions- almost all with available light. I loved it a challenge but great rewards. But equally important from the images was the stories they each had. Vlad never started with picking up the camera. First talk – maybe a drink and more talk. He always brought them prints from a previous visit. Their eyes would light up on receiving the prints. Always along with the prints cookies, some chocolate’s – He knew what each of them loved to have. The trip was almost two weeks. Shooting the building of hay stacks – watching cows get milked – These were extra surprises that we encountered everyday.
The food and lodging another story – soups from heaven and all our lodging was more then adequate. I am back home and overwhelming not only with the camera images but the true honor of being introduced to so many amazing people. Vlad takes very very small groups- maybe one cannot even call them groups. For my first trip with another photographer – I picked the right country and person.
Thanks Vlad.
Stewart Halperin
And by the way Vlad took a pic of me that I have to say was the best in years!! Yes with available light!!!!!”
The knowledge & respect that he instills into even most experienced traveler, how in time he is with people and the land will all make ones time that much deeper of an adventure and that is invaluable.
Couldn’t recommend more.”
We decided to go there because we knew that the area is beautiful and the people still keep old ways that will disappear soon.
I’m taking photos as a hobby and looked for a private photography workshop to improve especially my portrait photography skills. My husband is a supportive partner, likes nature and people but doesn’t take photos so we looked for a trip that will fit both of us.
By searching the web we found Vlad’s website, and loved the photos. After reading reviews and actually speaking with one of the reviewers we decided to do this trip with him. We couldn’t choose better!!!
Vlad is a wonderful person, very pleasant and accommodating, and we enjoyed his company.
He knows many people in the area that we visited and they were happy to see him and speak with him like an old friend. He has an extraordinary ability to connect with people.
Though people are very friendly, being with Vlad gave us the opportunity to visit houses, to hear lives stories, and to be more than photographers and more than tourists. He loves and respects the people he’s photographing and it makes all the difference. It’s not only taking photos, it’s being for a little while part of the peoples life. We couldn’t have the same experience without him and are both grateful for it.
Being a talented photographer with a lot of experience in photographing rural life and people, he found or created the opportunities for interesting frames and gave me suggestions for better angles or composition.
The time spent with Vlad was one of the highlights of our trip to Romania and I warmly recommend doing a photography workshop with him.”
Vlad has a natural talent for connecting with the local people, and his genuine respect and appreciation for them were evident in every interaction. We were warmly welcomed into people’s homes, offered local food and drink (Must try the homemade Horinca), and treated to heartfelt accounts of their lives. Throughout the week, we wandered and drove between locations, reconnecting with Vlad’s old friends and forming new friendships along the way. Our days were unplanned, allowing for serendipitous encounters and unexpected opportunities. (I got to know Viorica (86) from the first day we saw her on the road, and visited a handcrafted traditional shoemaker Gheorghe (83) we met in the local market). As the journey came to an end, we were left with countless
beautiful photographs and cherished memories of spending time together(we arrived as a guest and left as an old friend). The experience of being invited into the local homes and listening to their stories while capturing moments through photography made this trip truly extraordinary. Vlad’s love for his country and his genuine kindness, humous, and compassion toward the people of locals made this journey one of a kind, Never too late to join Vlad explore the beauty of Romania 🙂
Thank you for everything, Vlad :)”