Since I was born I was connected to Arges County. Both my parents are from Campulung Muscel and every holiday I went to my grandparents there. In the summer, I could hardly wait to get out of my grandparent’s apartment and go with my friends to the hills. Sometimes we left in the morning and returned in the evening. We hiked all the hills around Campulung, marveling at the beauties all around. Everything we ate during the day was just a few fruits, especially pears, from the trees. In the evening we were at a little house near my grandparents block telling horror stories. The beautiful landscape, the moonlight over the Flamanda’s hill with its top church was right there beside us. Sometimes we were so afraid that we had no courage to cross the street to enter the courtyard of the block. Someone had to come to pick us up. 🙂 Those times may have passed too fast, but the area of Campulung has always been very dear to me. On all those hills I feel at home. It seems that I already know the people I meet, I find it very easy to talk to them and I like to listen to their stories. When I go there with new people, I’m the host and I’m happy. In my soul I am the Arges man. 🙂